Treatment of varicose veins in the legs with the help of medications do not always have a positive effect. They are especially difficult to cure varicose veins, if you are in the stage of execution. In this case, surgery is the only option to correct the pathology is. For many people, the operation appears terrible to the procedure, so that for a long time afraid to go to the doctor, to depend on what you are allowed forms of treatment. The disease continues to progress, and worsen the patient's condition.

When it is necessary to do?
The operation of varicose veins of the lower extremities is assigned in the following circumstances:
- if subcutaneous vienna increased as a result of the pathology is;
- if the disease is in the stage of execution, when the treatment of varicose veins of drugs or remedies don't help;
- in the case of formation of venous ulcers in the epidermis;
- if disorders occur vascular the circulation of the blood, as a result of which the patient experiences constant fatigue, they fatigue quickly, feeling pain and heaviness in the legs;
- if it has been formed acute thrombophlebitis;
- if you have trophic lesions of the skin.
For some patients, surgery of varicose veins in the legs may be contraindicated. Factors that hinder the realization of a surgical intervention are:
- hypertension
- severe infections of the disease;
- ischemic disease;
- the patient's age (older than 70 years);
- skin diseases – eczema, erysipelas of the swelling, etc;
- the second half of the pregnancy.
The operation more effective and safe treatment of varicose veins. An experienced doctor may be able to eliminate quickly the disease is and the patient will return to normal, without experiencing the suffering that will cause the disease.
Types of intervention
Type of surgery is defined in function of the individual characteristics of the incidence of the disease. Some types of operation, suitable for one person, may well not be so for another. Before scheduling the operation, the doctor studies the form of the disease, the symptoms, as well as the risk of development of complications.
More laborious and complex, related to the high probability of developing complications, it is phlebectomy operation of removal of varicose veins. Your set only in cases in which other treatment methods are not able to exert any favorable effect. In the process of this operation in the patient's groin are small (3-5 mm) incisions, through which affected then with the vein in the place where it flows in a deep vein, then cut and pull the feet with the help of the probes. After the removal of the veins in the place of the incisions put eliminate the seams. The operation lasts from 1 to 2 hours, and the patient is in the hospital not more than a day, and then leave to go home. A variant of the phlebectomy is such a procedure such as phlebectomy, in which the body does not make the cuts and punctures. This method allows you to perform the operation with less injury to the epidermis and shorten the rehabilitation period. Peel – another type of surgical treatment of varicose veins. During this procedure, it extracts all of the vienna full, but only a little of his plot, which was the veins varicosasnome extension. The deletion is performed through punctures in the skin, which helps avoid overlapping of the seams.
Less traumatic to the method of intervention, it is considered sclerotherapy. She's is in that, with the help of the ultrasound determines the exact location of the extension of the vein into which it is injected particular substance (sclerosing). This substance adheres to the affected vessels, preventing blood flow for him. After this operation, in the place of the sick in vienna, form scar tissue, disappearance of the swelling. The patient ceases to torment the severity and the pain in the feet, and if they have taken place ulcers trophic, quickly heal. Sclerotherapy is of two types:
- Echo-guided sclerotherapy. This operation is applied in the case that the diameter of the affected veins reached 1 cm or more. First vienna were studied with the help of special device – a duplex scanner, and then under his control is performed puncture, after that in the vein a sclerosing. This procedure allows to reduce the diameter surprised with the glass and restore the normal movement of blood for him.
- The sclerotherapy foam. More safe, and completely painless type of sclerotherapy. In the village, the vessel injected from special foam, which is filled and suspends the flow of blood in the interior of the vessel.
To maximize the effect, it is done several treatments of sclerotherapy. The recurrence of varicose veins after she almost does not happen.
Coagulation by laser
The operation of removal of varicose veins with laser is considered as the most technological pretext of the fight against the veins varicosasom and helps to eliminate the extension of the vein in 90% of patients. During this procedure, the cuts of the fabrics are not to be performed, which allows to avoid cosmetic defects. Through a perforation in the skin introduces laser fiber optic that emits light waves. Under the action of the dissolution of the patient's vessel. This method is characterized by its low number of relapse – repeated occasions of the education varicose veins occur only 5% of patients. It can be applied in severe cases, when vienna reached large sizes.
The possible consequences and the state in the post-operative period
Almost all of the types of operations carried out to remove varicose veins of the legs, it is passed securely and cause complications in very rare cases. The increased likelihood of complications and a serious rupture of the rehabilitation occurs when the phlebectomy. In the remote area of vienna can occur bruising, and sometimes cuts can the blood flowing, as nearby you can find here other tributaries of the veins. Through 2-3 days after the surgery, some patients may increase temperature. This happens due to the asepsis of the inflammatory processes in the blood that accumulates under the skin. If accumulated in the blood for a long, in the veins of the legs can form lumps, painful to the touch. If the skin over the lumps acquired a reddish tint, then began to bacterial inflammation. In this case, you need urgent hospitalization. Other possible complications after the operation may be:
- Numbness of the skin, the sensations of pain. Originate in the event that at the time of the operation have been damaged by the nerve endings. With the time the pain is gone, and the sensitivity of the skin to recover.
- The appearance of bruising. They are formed when the phlebectomy, as it is quite a traumatic operation. After a time, usually not more than a month, they disappear completely. When minimally invasive treatment (sclerotherapy or coagulation laser) bruising almost never stay.
- The swelling. May appear, if the patient does not follow the doctor's prescriptions in the post-operative period – it moves a lot, it is not special clothing or is exposed to a great effort by a physicist.
After the operation most patients are inactive for a style of life. Due to the lack of physical activity, you may be experiencing this dangerous phenomenon, such as acute thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities. To prevent this, it is necessary to do special exercises, follow a diet and take medications that prevent the thrombosis.
The recommendations for the prevention of relapses
Even if the operation of removal of varicose veins is carried out with success, there is always the risk of developing the disease again. For the probability of recurrence was null and void, you must comply with the preventive measures:
- lead an active lifestyle – playing sports often to walk in the fresh air;
- in the sitting position it is necessary to ensure that the position is equal, not to put one leg over the other, since this leads to the violation of the hemorrhage is venous;
- fighting with being overweight;
- moderately drinking coffee and tea;
- every morning you perform the gymnastics of the feet;
- give up too tight and narrow shoes and clothing.
Varicose veins are a disease that, even after the healing of the same requires the fulfilment of a certain lifestyle. Preventive measures after surgery is necessary to see, not the first few months, and throughout life. Varicose veins are a disease that produces a narrowing of the walls of the deep vessels of the veins and lessens the flow of blood. It is a disease very young in our time. This occurs because of a sedentary lifestyle (although the constant work on the legs can cause an outbreak of the disease), the movement only in the transport, excess weight, the environmental situation in the world, birth of predisposition to diseases of the blood, etc the Early stage of varicose veins well hard of methods of conservative treatment. But if the disease has already gone very far and continues to progress, we must reflect on how to solve the problem. It is true, performed by a qualified plastic surgeon the operation of elimination of vienna is the guarantee of a complete recovery of the heat of the sun dreadful disease. Currently, these operations are performed by highly qualified specialists in the health centres equipped with the most modern equipment, and that do not represent any danger for the life and health of the patient.
The indications for the type of surgical intervention
Removal of varicose veins apply in the following cases:
- wide varicose veins sweep across a large area of vienna;
- file extension incorrect the veins saphenous;
- swelling and fatigue of the legs;
- the violation of reflux of the blood in the veins;
- trophic ulcer healing;
- acute thrombophlebitis and occlusion of the veins.
Limitations and contraindications
The operation is not granted in the following cases:
- run the state of the disease;
- hypertension grade 3, and ischemic heart disease;
- severe inflammatory and infectious processes;
- senile age;
- 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy;
- diseases of the skin in the phase of exacerbation (eczema, el morro, contact dermatitis, etc.)
Before the operation is performed are a thorough study of the venous system of the patient and a comprehensive review of diagnosis. Urgent operation is assigned when the obstruction of the veins, recurrent thrombophlebitis, and non-healing trophic ulcers.
Forms of rapid intervention
The operation of removal of varicose veins in the legs can be performed with the help of several modern techniques.
Phlebectomy — it is popular
In the early stages of the disease spend a phlebectomy. The preparation for this type of operation is more elementary. The patient takes a shower and shaves completely the leg and the groin. It is very important that before the operation the skin on the leg and she was completely healthy and the epidermis has not been broken. Before the operation the patient clean the intestine of the research on allergic reactions to drugs. The operation lasts up to 2 hours, under local anesthesia. The removal of the great saphenous vein is completely safe for the human body. During the operations that you can perform extravascular correction of the valves to restore the flow of blood. The operation starts with an incision of up to five centimeters in the groin and a length of two inches in the ankle. The rest of the cuts are made under large venous nodes. The incisions shallow and not wide. Through an incision in the groin into the vein, a venous extractor (in the form of a fine month with a round tip at the end). With the help of this tool, the surgeon removes the affected vienna. Then, in the cuts overlap the seams and the operation is considered as a. Of course, the leg close less than authentic bandage and top to put elastic bandage. Over 1-2 days the patient can now move around by himself. After phlebectomy, the patient wears the stockings or bandages) in the period of 2 months, as well as the decision venotonic to restore the functioning of the veins. In some cases, it is prescribed as a phlebectomy, in this case on the leg, small incisions are done (under local anesthesia), through which are removed the damaged parts of vienna or even vienna full.
Sclerotherapy — pain free removal of varicose veins
Today special popularity has acquired echo-guided sclerotherapy— treatment of varicose veins injections. When this in the vein of a substance – sclerosing, which destroys the inner layer of the vessels, after which the middle layer of the accretion and form the fall of vienna. This method is more gentle, but to get the effect resistant must carry out several procedures and will take around six months for rehabilitation. This type of intervention, as well as foam sclerotherapy can be used only when the damage of the veins of small diameter and with a large number of "spider veins". In the vein of a blowing sclerosing, whose efficiency is increasing due to a great increase of the surface interaction with the inner part of the container. And in addition, by virtue of its special consistency of the foam for a long time stops in a container, increasing the time of exposure of the drug in the town of the vessels. Therefore, when foam sclerotherapy the number of sessions is reduced to times.
The laser flebologii
The more modern method of vein removal – the laser is intravascular coagulation laser. The surface of vienna from the inside is processed with the laser through a barely perceptible puncture. In this case, in the graph applies a sterile bandage, and after five hours the patient can walk. Both methods are considered malotravmaticheskaya and pain. The patient if you want, you can go home the same day to their feet.
The possible consequences of
After all, even the most careful of the operation of removal of varicose veins in the legs will remain contusions, bruises, and other consequences of a time to bother. Some time after the surgery, it is best to sleep with the legs raised to improve blood flow. It is a fairly common complication after surgery is the re-development of varicose veins, if the patient has generic predisposition, and he has not changed his style of life. It is extremely unlikely to damage during the operation of the neighboring vessel or a nerve. But this complication is completely eliminated by the qualified specialist. After phlebectomy in the legs will remain inconspicuous small scars.