Veins should be treated, not cut. Sounds tempting, right? In addition, it is proposed to treat the veins of the legs without the use of pharmaceuticals, only folk remedies. This method of treating varicose veins was developed by the Moscow practicing surgeon V. Karpov. The method is well founded, consistent, and confirmed by a large number of positive results. The period for which the treatment and restoration of the veins is calculated is 3, 5 to 4 months.

Violation of venous outflow is called varicose veins and refers to the so-called chronic venous insufficiency. To understand how varicose veins occur in the legs and how to treat them, let's remember (or find out) what the venous system of the lower extremities is like.
Briefly about the venous system of the lower extremities
Veins, deep and subcutaneous, are found in the muscles and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Through them, blood moves to the heart.
The direction of blood flow through the veins from the bottom up is provided by several systems, the work of which is clearly defined and coordinated. These are perforating valves, muscles, and veins.
Valvesare dense, muscular valves that close, push blood upward, and expand to fill with blood, preventing it from coming back. The largest number of valves is concentrated in the lower legs, that is. on the leg and foot. With age and lack of exercise, the number of valves decreases.

Thecalf musclesprovide significant support in the function of the valves. By contracting and stretching, they create additional pressure on the blood vessels and help push the blood upward. Since the saphenous veins are less supported by muscular work, they are the ones that most often suffer from deformities.
Communicating (perforating) veinsconnect the deep and superficial veins. They let blood flow only in one direction: from superficial to deep. It is an effective mechanism to relieve excess pressure in the superficial veins. The destruction of the valves in the perforating veins is fraught with diseases of the venous system and the appearance of trophic ulcers.
In a state of prolonged muscular inactivity, stagnant processes may appear in the legs. The weakened blood flow causes stretching of the vascular walls and disruption of the venous "pump" mechanism. This is how ugly, swollen and dark veins appear on the legs. These are varicose veins.
Causes of varicose veins
Doctors say that varicose veins are humanity's payment for walking upright. After all, animals do not have such a disease. Two factors: the movement of blood along the venous bed against the action of gravitational forces and the quality of the venous blood, which contains the products of decomposition and the vital activity of cells, are always a potential threat ofvaricose veins.
The insidious thing about varicose enlargement is that the onset of the disease is impossible to notice. And when the signs appear in the form of small blue webs and swollen veins, prevention no longer makes sense. Treatment required. Therefore, if you fall into the category of the following risk groups, it is imperative that you be observed by a phlebologist.
You are at risk if:
- There have been cases of varicose veins in the family. This disease is usually hereditary.
- Spend many hours sitting without leaving the table.
- The job involves lifting and carrying weights.
- Every day, there is a prolonged static load on the legs (salespeople, hairdressers).
- Always wear high heels.
- He suffers from flat feet.
- There are functional changes in the liver.
- Bowel disease, constipation.
- You are overweight.
In addition, due to their physiological characteristics, women are more susceptible to varicose veins than men.
Listen carefully for the sensations in the lower leg and foot. If there are regular and systematic sensations of pain, burning, heat, itching, tingling, if night cramps, swelling begin to appear, go immediately for an examination by a specialist.

Treatment of varicose veins of the legs with home remedies
Traditional medicine has acquired extensive experience in treating varicose veins for many centuries. In his arsenal there are tinctures and decoctions of herbs, juices, ointments, compresses, rubs and special exercises. You can easily find recipes for its preparation and recommendations for its use in large quantities on the Internet, in printed publications.
We want to draw your attention to a systematic approach to treating varicose veins in the legs with home remedies, developed by a surgeon. There are many reasons to trust a specialist with fundamental medical training and solid work experience. Also, his statement "Veins should not be cut, but treated" seems very encouraging. The course of treatment and restoration of the veins consists of four successive stages and is designed for 3, 5 to 4 months of daily procedures and exercises.
First, you must set a rule for yourself:
- Every 40 minutes from now on, work your leg muscles. It is better to do 20-30 squats without overloading the knee joints (the angle between the thigh and the lower leg is 90 °). This exercise will be useful for the knees, and even for the condition of the veins. If squatting is difficult for you, start with 10 squats, 5 as you master. Better yet, use a fitball for this. Stand against the wall, place the ball between the wall and your lower back. Supporting your back on the ball, do squats (the ball will roll gently up and down, repeating the torso trajectory). This will unload your back. Only the legs will work.
- At least once every half hour, switch to diaphragmatic breathing for a minute or two (inhale - stomach protrudes, exhale - inhale). Duration of inhalation and exhalation from 2 to 4 seconds.
- Drink at least two liters of clean water in small portions (half a glass) throughout the day.
To heal leg veins, you need to understand the causes of this disease. Those. the treatment of the veins is directly preceded by a preparatory period, which should not be neglected in any case. Otherwise, the treatment will not produce the desired results.
The preparatory period in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs
If you have flat feet, you will need a month of regular exercise to get rid of it. Violation of the structure of the foot leads to the disruption of the leg muscles, which implies their tension and stiffness. Consequently, conditions appear for the appearance of varicose veins. The easiest thing to do is do deep squats every day, gradually increasing the number of squats. There are many other exercises that you can do with the advice of a podiatrist.
If your liver is sick, follow the suggested guidelines. Take 2-3 weeks, 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day, 15 minutes before meals, an infusion of one of the herbs: immortelle, milk thistle, yarrow. (Boil a tablespoon of the herb in 250 ml of water for 3-5 minutes over low heat).
At the same time, it is possible (and even necessary) to make "cold" compresses in the liver area. Apply a towel soaked in cold water several times a day for 15 minutes. There will be no harm if salt (not iodized) is added to the moistening water, at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water.
You need to take a very responsible approach to improving your liver. You must understand that the viscosity of the blood is directly dependent on the state of the liver and that viscous blood is one of the main causes of varicose veins.
If there is constipation and intestinal problems, there is no use starting the treatment of varicose veins without solving them. Massage your abdomen in a clockwise direction for 3-5 minutes every morning while lying on your back (legs should be bent at the knees).
Be sure to drink a glass of hot water (within reasonable limits) in the morning, on an empty stomach, in small sips. Then you can drink 1 to 3 tablespoons of unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed, olive, pumpkin, etc. )
Review your diet, introduce bran, dairy products, vegetable juices.
If the skin on the legs is dry, you should also pay attention to it. Why? For the reason that the treatment of leg veins involves the penetration of medicinal infusions through the pores of the skin. That is why the skin of the legs must be firm and healthy. During the entire preparatory period, in addition to caring for the liver and intestines, it is necessary to take care of the feet, rubbing the following mixture: sea buckthorn and olive oils, aloe juice in equal proportions. In the morning and in the evening, rub the skin on the legs, paying special attention to the affected areas.
If you cannot determine whether you have the above violations, in two weeks, arrange a preparatory purification period and follow all recommendations.
Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar per 100g of water twice a day for the entire treatment. And also to thin the blood, drink Escuzan 1 capsule, 3 times a day, 1 hour after a meal, washed down with a glass of water (Excusan - horse chestnut extract).
Anti-inflammatory measures: the second stage of varicose vein treatment

In the second stage of treatment of varicose veins in the lower extremities, anti-inflammatory therapeutic procedures are carried out. You need to prepare a herbal balm.
- banana
- yarrow
- chamomile
- sage
- St. John's wort
Mix the herbs in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with two glasses of cold water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Cover and let stand at room temperature. Strain the cooled infusion.
With the resulting broth, you will need to apply applications to the injured limbs. To do this, prepare a piece of gauze in 4-6 layers of such a size that you can wrap the leg from the heel to the groin (the gauze is folded in 4 layers for the elderly, in 6 - for the young). You will also need compressed paper (if you use cellophane instead of paper, poke holes in it to allow air to flow through) and you will need a cotton sock.
Heat the broth to 37 ° C, moisten the gauze and bandage the leg, as mentioned above, - from the foot to the groin, put paper or cellophane on top, put on a stocking. Wash your leg with laundry soap. Soaps and toilet gels leave a thin film on the skin, preventing the penetration of essential substances. The duration of the procedure is until the gauze dries. It usually takes about two hours, but you also need to lie down for an hour and a half for the medicine to be absorbed (total: 3. 5-4 hours). After removing the bandage, rinse your leg with warm water, wash and dry the gauze.
If the veins in both legs are damaged, the procedures should be performed alternately, one day, on one leg, one day, on the other. At the same time, we simply rub one leg with balm and put a compress on the other.
The frequency of application of the balm is two during the day and one at night. If you are short on time, you can only rub the balm twice during the day and the application at night.
Between procedures, do exercises: "Lowering the heels", "Vibration". These exercises will restore the tone of the saphenous veins.
Exercise "On the heels". Stand straight, get up on your toes, hold this position for 10 seconds, drop sharply on your heels. Place a cushion under your heels to cushion the impact. Take 30 drops 3 times a day.
Exercise "Vibration". Starting position: basic posture, relaxed body. Start with small, light, quick alternating taps with your heels, without lifting your feet off the ground. Get vibration in the calf muscles. Continuing to tap with the heels, raise the vibration towards the hips, then towards the stomach, buttocks, chest, shoulders, head. "Vibrate" for a minute.
After 3-4 weeks, if the pain goes away, take a break for 2-3 days and proceed to the next step.
Third stage: restoration of thinned vein walls
At this stage, we will use a "thickening" balm to heal the veins, thicken the thinned walls.
- oak bark
- acorns
- white willow bark
- horse chestnut
All the ingredients are taken in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with two glasses of water and simmered for 10-15 minutes. Insist, strain. Use exactly the same and on the same schedule as the anti-inflammatory balm above.
The fourth stage is nutritious

We consolidate what has been achieved, we restore the elasticity of the blood vessels, we continue to restore the thinned walls of the veins.
For these purposes, we use a bite of apple diluted in water. In addition, 4% vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, 6% - 1: 2, 9% - 1: 3.
We rub the solution in the vein gently, without excessive pressure, with a circular motion directed from the bottom up.
The scheme is as follows:
- The first two weeks: rub only with vinegar.
- The second two weeks: add 50 g of unpasteurized natural honey to 1 liter of vinegar.
- The third two weeks - for 1 liter of apple cider vinegar - 100 g of honey.
As you can see, in this course everything is deliberate, logical and coherent. It seems to us that this approach is more preferable than the not entirely justified, based on advice from the Internet, the use of ointments, rubbing, etc. All treatment should last between 3, 5 and 4 months. You will have to work hard and pay proper attention to yourself. But on the other hand, you will not only avoid surgery, but will also completely restore your veins.